Green, Accessible, Sustainable Cities! How?

Co-Education in Green project partners have implemented and finalised 3 main outputs during the project period, some of which are already available and will soon be available to all in all partners’ languages. These outputs have been developed under the main objective of equipping communities in modern European cities with tools, knowledge, relevant information and resources to transform shared urban green spaces into sustainable green spaces accessible to all.

The outputs in a nutshell

  • The Interactive Database provides information on how to transform shared spaces into green, environmentally friendly areas through collaborative and inclusive processes. It is an innovative database with examples, practises and tools. The information it contains can be used by adult educators, educational institutions and the educational community in general. You can navigate through the database by selecting one of the sections:

    • Legislation
    • Protection
    • Accessibility
    • Transformation
    • Environmental Education
    • Added Value

    Or simply selecting the relevant country. The database will be updated regularly and anyone can contribute at any time.

    The partnership has also developed a Methodology for creating shared green spaces and implementation procedures.

  • The Online Training Kit developed by the partners in English and in all partner languages, which addresses the training needs of adult educators and aims to improve their professional skills in managing environmental education projects by transforming shared land into green spaces accessible to communities. The seven modules of this training, which are intended to be as comprehensive as possible, consist of the following topics:

    • Shared Green Urban Areas Analysis
    • Social, economic, and educational community need analysis
    • Community networking and engagement
    • Planning and objectives of the shared green area transformation
    • Collective responsibility & governance of SGAs
    • Pedagogical competences
    • Inclusion & Accessibility

  • The Manual on how to create multisensory gardens for people with disabilities, has been implemented in English and in all partner languages. This comprehensive manual provides information, guidelines and ideas on procedures and how communities can work together to create sustainable, accessible multisensory gardens for people with disabilities.

Visit our website or follow us on Facebook & Instagram stay tuned to learn more, because, indeed, more is coming!




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